Bosaso (KAAB TV) – Around 140 dolphins were found on the beaches between Bosaso and Mareero in the Somali region of Puntland on Thursday.
People living near the beach reported that about 140 dolphins were stranded on the beach, some of them had already died, while others were in poor condition and on the verge of dying.
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change in Puntland issued a statement confirming that it is cooperating with the Ministry of Fisheries to conduct an urgent investigation into the cause of this unusual event.
Regional authorities have warned residents against eating dead dolphins.
The Ministry of the Environment identified four possible causes of the accident: changes in sea water conditions that lead to food shortages, migration of porpoises to the coasts, health problems or diseases in fish that cause dolphins to seek shallow water, and disturbances. from water pollution. or the noise of the sea that can disturb their behavior.
Fishing-related damage, such as entanglement of nets, is considered a possibility.
Local residents insist that chemical waste may have been dumped into the sea, possibly contaminating the dolphins.
Somalia has long been used as a dumping ground for hazardous waste, starting in the early 1990s and continuing through civil wars. Containers containing dangerous chemicals have been spotted on the coast of Somalia several times, raising concerns about the impact on marine life.